Hi, I have recently had reconstructive surgery for ruptured acl in my knee and cartilage repair. Can you recommend something.

Several people who have experienced a tear or have ruptured a ligament inside their knees can recall exactly when they felt it pop. This refers to an Anterior Cruciate Ligament, which is normally an extremely painful condition. However, undergoing a surgery may be absolutely necessary for ACL as well as thinning cartilage, which can be caused as a person ages. However, undergoing ACL knee reconstruction surgery may indeed be the easier part, as the recovery which takes place after the surgery requires a lot of commitment and hard work. Most of your hard work really begins after the operation in complete. There are special physical therapy and rehabilitation centers for people who have undergone ACL surgery. This therapy aims at rebuilding your strength and getting back your motion. Earlier on, after an ACL surgery, it was important to ensure that the new ligament was protected. Therefore a full knee extension and quadriceps for the knees were avoided.

Unfortunately, this type of ACL rehabilitation could lead to stiffness and also result in limited motion. This made it necessary for new courses of ACL reconstruction to be published. The new ACL surgery rehabilitation program is divided into different phases, which are:

  • Phase 1: The preoperative period
  • Phase 2: The first two weeks after surgery
  • Phase 3: Between weeks 2 to 6, post surgery
  • Phase 4: Six weeks after surgery
  • Phase 5: Staying healthy and strong after ACL surgery
  • Phase 6: Beyond rehabilitation and choosing if you want to brace or not.
As mentioned earlier the recovery phase after a surgery is the most important, as it determines the success of the surgery and helps you get back on track in regaining your life faster. The road to recovery is not going to be a quick or an easy one. It requires a lot of patience, determination, persistence and perseverance. Therefore, these phases of recovery should be taken very seriously and should not be skipped or omitted. Regardless of how daunting it may seem, it is important to stick to your rehab plan.

There are several medical healthcare centers or doctors that can help provide any post surgery care and support that you may need. It is best for you to go back to the doctors who recommended or performed your surgery, as they will be aware of your medical history as well as your overall health condition. Never perform any physical activities or exercises without getting a go ahead from your doctor, as doing so may cause more damage than do you good.

answered by M W

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