Orange sputum phlegm

Orange phlegm is a relatively rare symptom and is more often than not caused by a serious respiratory infection. phlegm is produced by the body on a regular basis and is a medium of lubrication and protection. When you inhale a pathogenic organism, your body produces more white blood cells to fight off the infection. This causes a person's phlegm to turn a whitish yellow color. Thick yellow phlegm is a definite indicator of respiratory infection. This symptom is common to infants, children, adults, and seniors and should not be ignored. The color of phlegm is often used as a diagnostic tool as it generally reflects the type of respiratory disorder. It is important to understand the reasons for color and consistency changes in phlegm in order to understand the causes for orange phlegm. Pinkish phlegm is caused by streaks of blood that are present in the phlegm. This could be the result of damage done to the delicate tissues of the respiratory tract when a person suffers from frequent and severe coughing bouts. Rust colored phlegm and orange phlegm are generally indicative of a very serious respiratory disease and immediate medical attention is necessary.

Legionella pneumophila pneumonia is a relatively rare form of pneumonia and is a severe bacterial respiratory infection. Patients suffering from this type of pneumonia often experience orange phlegm that is thickened. It is thought that the characteristic orange color sputum is caused by an orange pigment that is excreted by the bacteria. Most patients first observe a slight brownish discoloration of phlegm that becomes brownish-orange phlegm within a few days or a week. After another week or so, the patient's phlegm turns an unmistakable orange color. Phlegm and sputum tests are essential diagnostic tools to help determine the root cause of orange phlegm and blood and urine tests may also be required.

Some of the most common symptoms of pneumonia are chills, shortness of breath, night sweats, and rapid breathing. A sudden fever and extreme fatigue are also symptoms of pneumonia. Pneumonia could be caused by bacteria or viruses and the method of treatment will depend on the type of infection. Pneumonia can be treated easily although you may be required to continue the prescribed course of medication for a prolonged period. This is because your body may take a while to completely eliminate the infection. It is important to follow the doctor's advice where treatment is concerned as many people tend to stop their medication as soon as they start to feel a little better. This would cause the microorganisms that are still present in your respiratory tract to thrive once more and a re-infection is often more serious as the bacteria would now be resistant to the medication.

answered by G M

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