Is bleeding from urethra normal during menstruation

It seems that you are suffering from a condition known as endometriosis. This is a condition where the endometrial layer that lines the uterus begins to grow abnormally and starts spreading to other parts of the body. Unfortunately, because of a lack of knowledge, most of the symptoms of endometriosis are often regarded as the normal changes in the body that occur due to menstruation. A lot of times, the bleeding from the urethra is mistaken to be the blood of the menstruation, mixing with the urine. Often, by the time a woman suspects that there is something wrong, too much time has passed and the symptoms becomes too severe to be ignored.

Though initially there is no pain during the menstrual cycle, with time the pain keeps growing till it becomes unbearable. Endometriosis can eventually take a toll on the woman's general health and well being. This can also affect the reproductive system of a woman. The lesions that are found in endometriosis are often all over the cavity of the pelvis. These lesions are often also found on the other reproductive organs like the fallopian tubes and ovaries. The rectal vaginal septum also gets damaged due to this condition. If you have any caesarian-section scars or any other scars from past surgeries, endometriosis can affect that too. The endometrial layer often spreads to the bladder and the bowels, affecting the entire digestive system. The large and small intestines, colon, appendix and the rectum can also get affected.

Endometriosis often causes bleeding in the organs and this blood comes out from the urethra with the urine. In more severe cases, the endometrial layer spreads to the lungs and the brain, affecting the spine and all other organs in between. The first and the most common symptom of this condition is severe pain in the pelvis. The pain often coincides with the menstrual cycle and therefore the symptoms become unclear and are often confused with the normal symptoms of menstruation. Sometimes the pain of endometriosis can be so severe that the life of the victim is affected in several. The internal anatomy of a woman often gets completely changed because of this debilitating disorder. If this disorder goes undetected, eventually the internal organs may start to fuse causing a serious condition known as frozen pelvis. A lot of women may never have children because of this condition. Since this condition is very serious, as soon as you detect urethral bleeding, show yourself to a doctor and start treatment as soon as possible.

answered by G M

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