I have crackled heels so suggest a remedy.

Garcinia indica tel available in herbal shops can be applied inside the cracks and light massage will be helpful, everyday at bedtime.

Herbal remedy consists of taking three tablets each of Trifla Guggulu, Kaishor Guggulu, Kanchnar guggulu, slight chew and swallow with water. Three times a day, making you take 27 tablets total in a day, after breakfast and meals.

Apply equal mixture of Jatyadi Tailam and Aswgandha Tailam to cracked portion oh heels. While taking bath, water should not enter this region,hence cover feet in plastic bag while taking bath.

The remedy should be done for 45 days, with patience and faith.

answered by S B

Get a pumice stones and run along heel while in bath to get loose skin off, (wait till you have had your feet in water for awhile to soften heels,) after drying try rubbing some cream on, i use Lemnis Fatty cream, it has a barrier which will keep heels soft, it is also great for anything from itchy spots to cuts, otherwise a barrier cream will do.

Hope this helps, works for me.

answered by p

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