Question on honey and chicken pox

how long does the honey stay on the skin as a remedy for chicken pox?

Chicken pox is a medical condition that, most often, affects children. Chicken pox is classified as a skin based condition as well as a generalized health problem because it affects the skin and also affects the functioning of the body because of the various chicken pox symptoms. The most obvious symptom is that of the marks that appear on the skin. These itchy, raised, red marks cause severe discomfort to the individual suffering from the condition. Other symptoms of chicken pox include fever, body ache, headaches and other general symptoms that can be easily mistaken for the flu. These symptoms may present themselves before the patient displays the skin condition associated with chicken pox.

As an individual gets older, the ferocity of a chicken pox attack tends to rise. In adults, chicken pox can cause life threatening complications and is extremely debilitating. Children with chicken pox may not suffer from such severe problems, but will still be unwell and unable to attend school. Chicken pox is contagious, especially if an individual comes into contact with oozing pustules that may burst on the surface of the individual's skin.

There are no chicken pox cures that exist as of now. The individual simply has to let the condition run its course. Some chicken pox vaccines may be listed as chicken pox cures, but this is an improper use of the term cure. Other chicken pox cures are actually methods and techniques to help reduce the intensity of the problem rather than actually cure the problem. Most chicken pox remedies are therefore used to provide relief to the patient while he or she battles through the difficult period of the illness.

There are many natural chicken pox remedies that can be applied in such a situation. These remedies will provide some immediate chicken pox relief which is really all that can be done. The application of honey in chicken pox remedies is also commonplace. Honey is a natural antiseptic. In ancient times, honey was used extensively in medicine. Naturally sourced honey is the best to provide chicken pox relief. Honey is used by applying a small amount of it to the chicken pox marks. This can be selectively applied to areas where the itching is more extreme. It can also be applied to all the affected areas of the body for the removal of chicken pox marks. After some time, this can be washed off. This is one of the best natural remedies for chicken pox. One may also apply other natural remedies for chicken pox such as vitamin E oil. Different cultures have their own natural remedies for chicken pox which help to reduce itching and provide chicken pox relief to the patient.

When exploring the chicken pox causes and prevention, it becomes clear that vaccination can help the individual avoid the problem altogether. Chicken pox is caused by the varicella zoster virus which spreads from infected people to those who aren't immune to the condition. Vaccination stimulates the production of antibodies which may help prevent chicken pox altogether.

There are other general chicken pox remedies that can be used to help boost the individual's body systems while he or she is fighting against the disease. An individual suffering from the problem should be properly hydrated. Fresh juices will also help to provide the body with the energy it needs while fighting this condition. There is some evidence to suggest that the consumption of carrots or carrot soup might help reduce the intensity of the problem. A patient suffering from chicken pox should be made to bathe at least twice a day in hot water as this will kill some of the infectious material on the skin. Bedding and clothing should also be extensively washed. Always keep your doctor informed on the various remedies you are using for relief from chicken pox especially for babies.

answered by G M

Honey is a natural sweet substance produced by honey bees. It cleanses and heals wounds.Topical application of honey has proved valuable in chicken pox. Below are some of the health benefits of honey:

  • The skin should be applied with honey and covered with sterile, white cloth. It helps in healing of the disease within 3 days.
  • A tbsp of honey with a tsp of vit. E oil and ½ cup of aloe vera juice and essential oils like chamomile, lavender and bergamot (each around 15 drops) also reduces scratching in chicken pox.

answered by r k

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