What is a home remedy for stomach acid?

It would be hard to provide you with any information that points you in a clear direction, as the query you’ve made does not really give out any information. A problem pertaining to stomach acid could be that of low acid production or excess production. Treating either one with the wrong treatment could prove to be counter productive.

The normal assumption when faced with problems such as heartburn, bloating, indigestion and gas is that the consumption of antacids will help by reducing stomach acids, however this can worsen the problem if the problem stems from inadequate acid production by further depleting the acid content. Normally in a healthy digestive system the correct concentration of digestive acids destroys any unhealthy bacteria and fungi that are ingested through our food. Acid production decreases with age, and if the acid concentration is too low you could suffer from what is known as hypochlorhdyria, a chronic condition. This condition actually affects almost half of our population.

When such a condition develops the digestive system can not break down and digest food very easily, allowing harmful bacteria to survive and multiply. This can also lead to nutritional deficiencies and other chronic conditions. Your best bet would therefore be to treat any condition stemming from stomach acid problems with natural methods to improve digestion instead of simply reducing acid levels. Improving your eating habits is the most important steps towards regularizing and achieving the ideal acidity levels. This will help whether dealing with hyper or hypoacidity.
  • Increase your intake of fresh fruits and vegetables, while cutting down on excess salts, fried foods, junk foods and pickles. Processed foods should be substituted with natural alternatives.
  • Consume yogurt and curd with active cultures of lactobacilli as this can help improve the digestive function because of the positive effect of the bacteria. The good bacteria in this variety of cur or yogurt help control and prevent the build of harmful bacteria.
  • Follow a disciplined routine with fixed sleeping hours and meal times.
  • Switch to smaller and more frequent meals (four or five a day), instead of two large meals. This will put less stress on your digestive system. Never overeat, and always ensure that your last meal of the day is light and at least two to three hours before going to bed. This will help prevent and indigestion or acidity related problems.
  • Avoid smoking and the excessive intake of alcohol.

answered by S D

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