If patient suffering from piles what all precautions should he take?

Piles are quite a common and dreaded condition. Medically it is referred to as hemorrhoids and afflicts the rectal area. It causes an inflammation or swelling in the region and this occurs due to pressure exerted on the veins in the region. The condition can be extremely painful and the passage of stools can be particularly painful. The condition is in fact worsened or aggravated with each passage of stools, as the action implies an exertion of pressure on the veins. Hemorrhoids or piles may be dry but they could also be of the bleeding variety. Dry piles generally progress to the bleeding variety and become increasingly painful if neglected or prolonged.

Piles can afflict individuals of any age group but there are certain specific factors or circumstances that put you at risk of developing piles. It is important that you are made aware of all of these causes and risks as some of them may apply to your specific case. This is very relevant for the simple reason that any effective treatment plan needs to eliminate the causes or risk factors, without which no treatment would be effective. In conditions like piles identifying and eliminating the cause can in fact cure the condition. Here are the causes or risk factors for piles:
  • Prolonged constipation or frequent bouts of severe constipation. This is the main and most common cause of piles worldwide and is largely due to low fiber diets as in developed nations. It puts intense pressure on the veins in the area.
  • Spending extended periods of time on a regular basis, seated on a commode trying to defecate can also contribute to the problem.
  • Obesity, with excessive fat particularly around the abdominal area, puts you at greater risk of piles.
  • Prolonged coughing and sneezing can also cause a lot of pressure to be extended on to the veins.
  • Piles may also develop during pregnancy, due to increased pressure, but this condition resolves naturally after a delivery.
Long term strategies that involve diet and lifestyle modification are therefore vital for a sustainable solution or cure for piles. In addition to a healthy diet with a higher fiber intake, and increased fluid intake you also need to exercise and get adequate physical activity. In addition to these long term solutions you can also try some remedies for quick relief and to facilitate healing. Simple remedies like applying coconut oil and using cold or warm compresses can help significantly.

answered by S D

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