My body is fairer than my face. Please suggest a home remedy to brighten my face. Also during summer I sweat excessively on my face but no other parts which make me look very dark?

It is not uncommon for a person’s face to be darker than the rest of their body. This can be for a variety of reasons, including the fact that the face is often exposed to direct sunlight while the rest of the

body is clothed. It could also be because the skin on the face is more delicate than the rest of the body and therefore reacts more to environmental changes causing it to darken. An excessively oily face may lead you to believe that you are sweating more on your face. During summer, your sebaceous glands produce more sebum which causes your skin to become excessively oil especially your facial skin.

In order to get rid of both your problems, you will need to follow a few daily skin care practices.It is important that you use a good sunscreen lotion when before you step out. Make sure that the lotion you are using has filters for both UVA and UVB rays. In addition to this, it should have an SPF of 30.

Do not apply the lotion just before you leave as sunscreen lotions require at least 30 minutes to soak into your skin for maximum benefits.You will also need to wash and exfoliate your face regularly. Wash your face at least twice a day with slightly warm water and a gentle face wash. Exfoliate your skin once a week or so as this will get rid of dead skin cells and keep your complexion toned and even. You can add a little fresh lemon juice to your facial scrub or your face wash before you use it as lemon juice has bleaching properties.

Alternatively, you can apply a little fresh lemon juice to your face and allow it to dry completely before you wash or scrub your face. You will also need to use a lightening face pack at least once a week. Chop and blend a raw potato and mix the juice with a little fuller’s earth to form your face pack. Raw potato juice has natural bleaching properties and will help to eliminate the discoloration. To increase the effectiveness of this method, steam your face before applying the face pack as this will cause the pores of your skin to open up.

Mix about 2 teaspoons of fresh tomato juice with a few drops of lemon juice. Apply this skin tonic to your face at least once a day-preferably in the morning. Allow it to dry and then rinse your face once more. This will help to control sebum production and will leave your skin less oily but not excessively dry.

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