Hickey Remedies: What Is The Fastest Way To Get Rid Of A Hickey (Love Bite)?

A hickey is another name for what people also describe as a love bite. Often a playful session with one’s partner can leave those telltale bruising marks on one’s neck or in another place where it might be seen. While that is perfectly normal, the person might not want the entire office floor abuzz with news of the love bite. Often it is a guilty teenager looking to hide that mark from overprotective parents. Whatever your reasons, you should remember that a hickey is not really something terrible to be ashamed of. Also, you have to understand that it can take a while to get rid of that hickey. However, there are a number of steps you can take to expedite the removal of traces of that love bite. The first step is to realize that a hickey is the result of bruising because blood vessels have been damaged as a result of the act. This means that basic steps undertaken when bruising occurs are likely to work in case of hickeys as well.

Thus, one of the primary ways in which you can opt to control the damage is via a cold compress. This could mean a simple application of ice, which has been wrapped properly, to the discolored skin. A lot of sites recommend the trick of using a frozen spoon. Since hickeys are often unplanned this might not be available when the hickey first becomes visible. However, it might be a good idea to keep a spoon to freeze when planning some romantic time with a loved one. This might sound outlandish but it could help in case your loved one slips up inadvertently and leaves you with that telling hickey. The trick is to gently massage the site while taking care not to damage the skin further. Since you will need repeated rubs with the spoon, it would be best to immediately put some more of them in the freezer. You could enlist the help of your partner to gently rub the tender area. One has to take care not to overdo this since the aim is to improve blood circulation and not to damage more blood vessels. You might be able to help things by use of a toothbrush you no longer want, so long as the bristles are soft. Later on, in about a day, heat would be a good idea for the site. This usually means the use of a nice hot washcloth. These measures should lighten the hickey and help the skin look better faster.

answered by G M

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