What causes throat pain and virus blisters?

A sore throat that has been caused due to a viral or bacterial infection can be rather painful. A virus known as the coxsackie virus is responsible for causing a large number of throat infections. One particular type of infection caused by this virus is known as herpangina, which leads to the formation of red circular ulcers and blisters on the tonsils and the palate. These blisters break or erupt within a few days, after which they are followed by the formation of a scab that can prove to be quite painful. Along with the blisters a person may also display symptoms such as high fever, body ache and head ache. One of the most common type of bacterial infections that affect the throat, are caused by a strain of bacteria known as Streptococcus. Sore throats caused by this bacterium are referred to as strep throat. A strep throat is also very painful, as the tonsils tend to swell and get coated. It is important to get the infection checked by a physician, so as to determine what has caused it. If ignored this could lead to other more serious problems.

Here are a few simple home remedies that can help in treating your painful throat. Tea prepared from raspberry leaves serves as an effective throat rinse. Boil a cup of water and to it add about two teaspoons of dried raspberry leaves. Allow the two to simmer for 5 minutes on a low fire. Leave the solution aside to cool, after which strain it into a glass. Gargle your throat with this decoction twice a day; it will help in combating the pain. While gargling, make sure that you do not swallow the liquid. Sage tea is also a great remedy for this problem. To prepare, add a teaspoon of the herb to a cup of boiling water. Allow the mixture to steep for about 5 minutes, after which set it aside to cool. Thereafter, add a teaspoon each of honey and apple cider vinegar. Gargle your throat with the resultant mixture twice a day.

Salt water is one of the oldest and most popularly used remedies for treating all kinds of throat infections. Add half a teaspoon of table salt to a glass of warm water. This should then be used to gargle the throat several times a day. It will reduce pain while also taking care of the infection at the same time.

answered by G M

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