I have these dark scars on my body. Actually these scars are left overs from chicken pox. Kindly suggest some home remedies to remove these scars.

Scars or marks left by old injuries or illness can cause a lot of embarrassment. However, you can get rid of these scars by using some simple remedies. You should remember however, that these remedies are not likely to produce instant results. They will take some time to show effect. You should be willing to continue these remedies for some time and be very regular about them.

You can use fresh lemon juice on the chicken pox scars. Simply squeeze out the juice and apply it on the scars. The best part is that you can apply lemon juice on your skin at bedtime and leave it on overnight. This will give the juice to work on the scars. Aloe Vera gel is also effective against getting rid of marks. Although there are several good creams available in the market, you should try and find an Aloe Vera plant. Then you can simply slit the leaf to scoop out the thick gel and apply on your marks every night. Apply the Aloe Vera gel every night to see good results. You can also mix three fourth teaspoon of Aloe Vera juice with natural glycerin and use this on the marks. Vitamin E is also effective in reducing the marks on your skin. You can break open capsules of Vitamin E and apply these on the marks.

Pineapple is also effective in reducing the marks since it contains ascorbic acid. This helps to lighten the marks on your body. You can peel and dice a ripe pineapple and then grind it to a smooth texture. Use this on your skin for an excellent effect. This face mask also has the property of helping your skin become fresh. Ideally it should be left on for fifteen minutes. Cucumber is also very beneficial in reducing the spots. You can use slices of raw cucumber on the marks on your face. If this is not possible, you can grate the cucumber and then squeeze it to extract the juice. This can be applied on the spots with a clean cotton swab. Raw potato is another vegetable that can work very effectively to reduce the marks on your face. You can use grated raw potato on the marks. The juice of a raw potato is also effective in reducing marks. Mix one tablespoon of oatmeal with some drops of lemon juice, one teaspoon of sour cream and one teaspoon of yogurt and apply on the marks. This should be left on for about twenty minutes before it is washed.

answered by G R

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