Would colitis cause a fever of 103? Reply

Colitis is the medical term that refers to the condition of acute inflammation of the colon. The condition is associated with inflammation of the intestine or the rectum or both. Apart from the inflammation this condition also causes the development of sores or ulcers, in the top layer of the large intestine. While the inflammation causes diarrhea, the ulcers bleed and there is a formation of pus and mucus.

The inflammatory process has fever as one of its key characteristics along with pain, heat and redness. So despite the fact that some patients suffer a persistent low grade fever, a high fever like yours is not uncharacteristic for a colitis patient. A high fever is most likely to occur during a flare up phase. A flare up is basically a phase wherein the clinical disease symptoms show an increased severity. A fever of this nature is also likely to be accompanied by fatigue and irritability. Often, the fever resurfaces each day, particularly towards the latter portion of the day, and breaks during sleep, resulting in night sweats. Despite the fact that this is a normal symptom, a high fever in itself can be damaging, so consult with your doctor if it persists or if the fever increases.

Treatment of colitis depends largely on the severity of the condition. In most cases medication suffices, but in severe cases surgery may be required to remove the diseased colon. The nature of this condition varies among individuals so treatment is generally adjusted and is specific for your needs. For this reason self treatment is not an option and medical assistance is necessary.

In addition to your medical treatment there are some home remedies that you can try and self care practices that you should follow.

If one of your symptoms is mild diarrhea, you can ease your discomfort by increasing your intake of water and consuming clear fluids like, light lemon tea, lemonade and light soup. This will also help avert dehydration that is associated with diarrhea and can cause further problems.

As your symptoms recede and stools begin to return to normalcy you can also eat low-fiber foods. Avoid greasy or fatty foods including milk, cream, or soft cheese for at least a week after.

Fruits like bananas and apples are effective natural remedies for colitis, so include them in your daily diet. Papaya is also a good remedy and you can either eat it ripe or drink its juice.

Buttermilk, which is the residual liquid from curd after the removal of fat, is also useful as home remedy. Drinking a glass of buttermilk a day can help with the condition.

answered by G R

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