My daughter has a blood blister in her ear. What is the best way to get rid off this blister?

A blood blister is an accumulation of blood that forms under the skin de to a bruise or a pinch of some sort. Blood blisters have a very unique look and can be easily identified as the sub dermal tissues and blood vessels are damaged without any piercing of the skin. Initially, most blood blisters are extremely painful and, if broken, will let out only a small amount of the contained blood. This not only leaves the skin raw and tender, but also extremely prone to infection. While most blisters will usually go away on their own in about 10 to 14 days, some people are unable to resist the urge to proactively burst them. However, this should be avoided at all costs as it could allow the infection to spread. While blood blisters are very often a result of excessive trauma like pinching, it could also be caused by scalding or burning of the skin, including the effects of sunburn. Other blisters are also known to develop as a result of viral skin infections, fungal skin infections or even allergic irritants.

The best way to take care of a blood blister is to simply let it heal in its own time. There are a few steps that you could take to speed up the process such as soaking a towel in a mixture of salt and ice cold water and apply this on the affected ear to act as a cold compress. In case you notice that the blister has broken, disinfect the wound with the help of an antiseptic mouthwash. The antiseptic properties of garlic are also extremely helpful when disinfecting the wound. Since red meat is known to aid the inflammation of affected areas, it would be a good idea for your daughter to refrain from any intake of red meat for as long as the blister exists. In order to prevent the blister from being unintentionally popped, it should be protected with the help of some medical tape. The tape will act as a strip of second skin that will be a temporary barrier and help speed up the healing process. You could also try to reduce the swelling by applying some Epsom salt mixed with some warm water over the affected area. It is also essential that your daughter avoids turning her head while sleeping to put the entire weight of her head on the affected ear. The added pressure might cause the blister to burst during the course of the night.

answered by G M

I'm not sure exactly what you mean by a "blood blister". Strictly speaking, a blister is not filled with blood but with pus and other bodily fluids. If there is blood in the blister, then perhaps it is not really a blister but a blood clot. This usually happens when due to a blow or a sharp pinch, tiny blood vessels are damaged without the skin above them being broken. When an injury breaks skin, blood oozes out of the wound, but if the skin does not break, the blood simply collects there. Eventually, either the clot will gradually disappear, or the skin above it will dry up and peel off, allowing the dried blood to also fall away. Blood clots are usually quite harmless and are nothing to worry about. Usually no treatment is required either, unless there is pain or discomfort. However, it is always good to be on the safe side when it comes to injuries involving the ears, so it is advisable that you let your family doctor have a look at the clot to ensure that no serious damage was done, especially if your daughter is very young. Young children sometimes do not realize subtle but dangerous injuries, and even if they do, they sometimes don't know how to communicate what is wrong.

If what you have mentioned is indeed a blister, you can simply wait for a few days and see if it disappears on its own. As far as possible, ensure that your daughter does not touch it too much or try to burst it. Blisters usually take care of themselves over the course of a week. A warm compress usually helps speed up the healing compress, and if the blister is on a part of the ear that is accessible, you should apply a warm compress to it at least twice a day. What you can do is heat some water in a vessel (make sure that it is not too hot), dip a clean, soft cloth in the water, and then press the cloth to your daughter's ear after wringing out the excess water from the cloth. This treatment is also quite soothing, and is therefore helpful if the blister is painful. When the blister pops, make sure that you clean the area with a clean cloth. If the blister does not pop within a week or if it continues to swell and remains painful, you should visit your doctor.

answered by G M

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