Food poisoning recovery and effective remedies

Food poisoning?

Food borne illness or food poisoning is a result of consuming contaminated food. The food can be contaminated due to a number of viruses, pathogenic bacteria, parasites and prions. The contamination occurs due to improper handling of the food, its storage and preparation. These foodstuffs can also be possibly contaminated by chemical contaminants like pesticides or other synthetic contaminants.

Goldenseal root is a very good remedy in combating food poisoning. The root is available in a capsule form and you can take three a day. Apart from being a natural anti- biotic it is also a diuretic and thus helps flush out the bacteria infection from the body. Avoid eating anything until you are completely cured. Another remedy that you can try is sweet lemon juice. Squeeze four lemons and add sugar to make it sweet. Drink the juice without adding any water to it. The lemon helps kill the bacteria and provides fast acting relief for the patient. When suffering from food poisoning make sure to get complete bed rest. This allows the body to completely focus on fighting off the bacteria. If you're symptoms do not subside or suddenly get worse it is advisable to consult your doctor for further treatment as the poisoning can cause further complications.

answered by S C

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