What do I need to grow my hair longer?

In order to have long hair, you can follow a variety of simple home remedies. But make sure you follow them religiously so that there are no gaps between following these methods, else they may take too much time to show proper results. As it is, home remedial methods are slow to act even though they may be definite and long term. They will take their own sweet time. The first thing you must do is to trim your hair before you begin following any remedial measures. A trim is a good way of getting off to a healthy start. It will remove split ends if you have any and will also make your hair look and feel healthier and shinier. After this, you can start following a proper routine of hair care. Buy a wooden brush and use only this to brush out your hair. Make it a point to brush your hair at least thrice a day, this will improve circulation in your scalp and encourage good hair growth.

At least twice a week, follow the routine of applying warm olive oil to your hair and scalp. Leave this on overnight and wash it off the next morning. But before you wash it off, you must apply hot water fomentation to your scalp. Take a towel and dip it is very hot water. Squeeze out and wrap this around your head. Leave it till it cools a bit. You would need to repeat this procedure at least four to five times to see positive results. This will open the pores of your scalp and make the oil go down to the roots, where it will feed the hair shaft, thus making it healthier and thicker. Make it a point to deep condition your hair once a week. A suitable conditioner would be a whole egg, whipped and applied to your hair and scalp and left on for about 25 minutes.

answered by G R

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