Advice On Under Developed Breasts

I am 25 years of age and have underdeveloped breasts. Please advise?

The mammary gland or breast is a pouch of skin that contains fat and blood vessels. There is therefore no way to actually exercise the breasts themselves, but they are directly connected to your chest muscles - therefore if you exercise your chest muscles, which will make them firmer and stronger, you can improve the appearance of your breast. These exercises will help change how your breast feel and look.

One exercise is known as press ups, and you don't need any kind of equipment for it. The routine is easy and will take up only a few minutes of time during the couple of times in a day you will have to do it in order to get results. There are two ways in which you can do the press ups: the first is press ups against a wall and the second is press ups in the sleeping position. The first method involves facing the wall and spreading your legs a little bit. Press your hands against the wall (your hands should be at shoulder height) and start to reduce the distance between your chest and the wall by contracting your hands, once you have reached the wall, hold yourself there for about three seconds and push yourself back to your original position. Repeat the process in sets of 10 each and do it at least twice a day. You can do the same thing for sleeping position as well, lying on your stomach of course.

There is no way to actually increase the size of your breasts, but such exercises can make your breasts firmer and help them look their best. You should never use any of the products that claim to enlarge your breasts. Not only are they ineffective, but many of them also have serious side effects.

answered by G M

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