I have swelling on my right cheek due to tooth infection. What should I do to lessen the inflammation or pain?

Tooth Pain Home Treatments

A toothache is one of the most painful problems of all the common health complaints. In addition, when a tooth infection causes your face to swell up, there is the added awkwardness of your appearance to deal with as well as the discomfort when speaking or eating. The best treatment for such a swelling that is the result a tooth infection is a good old cold compress. You should simply wrap some ice in a clean, soft cloth, and hold the ice pack against your cheek for five to ten minutes, taking a break if the cold starts to hurt.

Clove or clove oil is also quite effective for toothaches, but should be used sparingly, and when there is severe swelling, an ice pack is the most effective. You should however understand that these are only temporary solutions, which you can use to ease the pain of the tooth infection until you are able to get it treated properly. Using these methods indefinitely will allow the infection itself to get worse and worse, and besides finally reaching a point where the pain will be unbearable, it can result in some very dangerous complications, such as the infection reaching the bone, or even the blood.

answered by G M

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