How can I get the swelling down from a tooth ache without medication?

Toothache – Read cures to reduce swelling associated with toothache

There are many effective ways to reduce swelling of gums and swelling associated with toothache. Here are some of the best home remedies for swollen gums and toothache.

  • First find out the right cause of swelling. Swelling and toothache can be due to change in diet, hard brushing, eating something hard or change in toothpaste.
  • Take a glass of warm salt water and swish around in your mouth. This will help to reduce swelling.
  • Rubbing ice to the affected area is also useful in relieving swelling associated with toothache.
  • Mouthwashes and alcohol are of no use. Both of them make formation of bacteria more extensive.
  • Make a habit of flossing after every meal. This will help to get rid of the waste stuck to your teeth and gums after meal.
  • Don't rinse your mouth after brushing, only spit it. Rinsing immediately after brushing your teeth can result in loss of fluoride.
  • Restrict your consumption of sweet and acidic foods as these food products can stimulate accumulation of bacteria for longer time period.
  • Try changing your toothpaste. This change may help you in relieving the pain and discomfort.
  • If you are still not feeling comfortable and painless, consult your dentist and take clinical advice for better advice.

answered by J

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