Remove sun tan

I'm a swimmer and do get a tan. How do I get rid of this tan?

Tips to remove sun tan

The first thing to do to take care of any kind of tan is to start using sunscreen every time you step out of doors. This is one of the safest and most effective methods of getting rid of tans and preventing tans in the future as well. To get rid of an already dark suntan, you can begin with cleansing your skin superficially. Add the juice of a whole lime to a cup of chilled milk and let this stand for an hour. Then rub this all over your tanned areas. Leave it till it dries and then wash. This will get rid of your tan in as little as a couple of days, and the lime juice will also disinfect your skin.

Alternately, you can also to rub sour cream all over the tanned area, leave it on for about 20 minutes and wash. Another natural fruit based remedy is to crush one each of fresh orange, tomato, a chunk of pineapple and rub this pulp all over your skin. This will remove your tan as well as add a healthy glow to your skin. You can also add a teaspoon of aloe vera gel to this concoction, and this will help in lightening your skin too.

answered by G M

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