What is a good natural cure for Peripheral artery disease?

PAD or peripheral artery disease is a problem associated with circulation. The arterial lumen is narrowed, thereby decreasing the blood flow to the extremities. Intermittent claudication or pain in the legs while walking is a common symptom of peripheral arterial disease. In short, the circulatory problem in the pelvis and limbs is PAD. Proper and early diagnosis helps in preventing the progression of the disease. It also indicates the accumulation of arterial plaques in the arteries, thereby reducing the flow of blood to the limbs and pelvis. A healthy diet and exercise without smoking is helpful in treating peripheral artery disease. Negligible symptoms are seen in people suffering from this disorder. Cold feet, hair loss on the feet, color change of legs, numbness of legs and changes in nails are the typical signs and symptoms of PAD. leg cramps is common, though rest helps in reducing the complication of the situation. Causative factor of PAD is atherosclerosis. The risk of PAD increases with the presence of diabetes, smoking, above 50 years of age, overweight and those with a history of high triglycerides. Cholesterol lowering medications are recommended. Blood sugar and clotting of blood are controlled through medications. Lifestyle modification with avoidance of smoking and alcohol prove beneficial.

answered by r k

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