Can I use rubbing alcohol to rinse out my ear I might have something in it?

Home Remedies for Ear Infection

Infection in the ear is common. Water in the ear is seen after bath or after swimming. Water entry cannot be prevented, but care is essential, as water helps in the growth of microbes and other infection. A drop of alcohol is mixed with a drop of vinegar and poured inside the ear. The acid alcohol combination prevents the entry and growth of microbes.

Avoid swimming in contaminated and unhygienic water. Usage of cotton swabs in a frequent manner is not recommended. Ear plugs are used, while swimming. Shower caps are equally useful. Swimmer's ear or otitis externa is the medical term for ear infection, especially in swimmers. Blockage in the eustachian tube and fluid accumulation in the middle ear result in ear infection.

Placing a hot pack over the ears is helpful in pain relief. Painkillers are consumed, under the guidance of your physician. Antibiotic therapy is required in case of persistent pain. Some refer to the usage of coconut oil or olive oil in the ear for treatment. The reliability of this remedy is contradictory, as many physicians fail to recommend oil usage in the ears. Consult your ENT specialist for guidance.

answered by Dr C

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