I would like to know if Kombucha tea is really good for you? Or is it a hype?

Kombucha tea is a liquid containing B-complex vitamins, vinegar, and numerous other chemical compounds. Kombucha is a symbiosis of bacteria and yeast; when green or black tea and sugar is added to this symbiosis a fermentation process occurs which gives rise to ‘tea'. Kombocha tea reports to have numerous health benefits; however there is no single research which proves its beneficial effects on human beings (except for the lab and animal studies). Secondly one should deeply think of the safety of this supplement. The fungus aspergillus found in kombucha can be potentially dangerous especially to ones with weakened immune system. Some studies also report adverse effects like jaundice, allergic reactions, lead poisoning, nausea and vomiting. It would be best to avoid kombucha tea unless there are no scientific theories which prove its safety for human consumption. Besides if you start any supplement regarding the same it would be wise to do so under the supervision and guidance of a health care specialist. 

answered by Dr S

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