how do i smooth lines at bottom of jaw, close to mouth. i got these cause i lost weight.

Wrinkles are formed when there is a loss of moisture and elasticity from the skin. These fine lines and creases, particularly on the face, tend to make a person look old and give the skin a pale appearance. Although very commonly associated as a sign of ageing, wrinkles can be caused due to a large number of factors such as smoking, weight loss, lack of vitamin E, stress and anxiety, pollution, excessive sun exposure and drug use. Sagging, creased and lined skin are some of the prominent symptoms of this condition. The hands, neck and face are areas that are generally affected by wrinkles. The collagen and elastin that is present in our skin contributes towards its elasticity. When there is a decrease in these substances the skin loses its stretching capacity and tends to sag, thus resulting in the appearance of wrinkles.

There are a few simple home remedies that can help in reducing the appearance of these fine lines and creases. Eggs are considered to be very effective in reducing wrinkles. Beat an egg white thoroughly and then apply a generous layer all over your face. Let the application dry naturally, after which wash it off with lukewarm water. Take three Vitamin E capsules and empty their contents into a bowl. Now add half a teaspoon each of lemon juice, honey and two teaspoons of yogurt to it. Once the ingredients have been mixed well, apply the mixture on your face with the help of a cotton ball. Wash the application off after about 10-15 minutes with warm water. This remedy if performed 2-3 times a week will help in reducing the lines, while also making your skin look healthy.

Coconut oil is also considered to be effective for reducing wrinkles. Gently massage a few drops of the oil onto the affected area for about a minute at bedtime, and wash it off the next morning. Instead of coconut oil you could also use Vitamin E oil or almond oil. Pineapple is also effective in getting rid of wrinkles. Rub a pineapple core on the affected area and let the application stay on for around 10-15 minutes. After the stipulated time frame, wash it off with lukewarm water. Juice extracted from green apples or green pineapples is also a helpful remedy. Apply the fresh juice on the affected area for about 10-15 minutes and then rinse it off with cold water. This remedy, if performed on a daily basis is known to yield positive results.

answered by G M

Wrinkles are a natural ageing process. There are several ways you could overcome your wrinkles or prevent further ones as you have them mainly due to weight loss and not ageing. If you have lost your weight too fast, then the volume of fat cells that served as a cushion for your face decreases. A chemical reaction then takes place, making your skin look saggy.

Before using various cosmetic methods, you should try applying natural remedies for your wrinkles. First and foremost, do not rub your face while washing as this could wash away the required skin oil. Use normal water or cold instead of warm water. Clean your face every night before going to bed and gently massage some coconut oil onto the affected area. Massaging your face in an upward direction with a good face cream would also help to get the firmness back into the skin. A good rapid massage in a circular motion increases the blood circulation and results in the tightening of the tissues and muscles. Fruit juices also help a lot in reducing wrinkles. Fresh papaya juice removes rough and dead skin, whereas pineapple and apple juices help in diminishing wrinkles and fine lines. Applying lemon juice several times a day would also help to reduce wrinkles. If your wrinkles are fine then rub the core of a pineapple on the face for a few minutes and leave it for a while. You should also apply some egg yolk once a week for ten minutes as this will provide your skin with nutrients that keep the skin well-nourished. Regular facial treatment is also very essential to control wrinkles. You should have a balanced diet that includes a lot of fruits and vegetables. You also need to drink lots of water, as it would keep your skin hydrated and help moisturize it from within. Always try and protect your skin from the sun as the rays could further aggravate your wrinkles. A good sunscreen, hat or sunglasses would protect you in the sun. Strictly avoid alcohol, cigarettes and caffeine. These make your skin dry as well as help in developing further wrinkles. You should also do some mouth exercises everyday, as your wrinkles are mainly around the jaw area. Try and pull an elongated E and O shape with your mouth for about thirty seconds each. Also, purse your lips to the left, right and centre of your face. Hold each of these movements for about five seconds. Doing these exercises on a regular basis would help tighten your facial muscles.

answered by G M

Home remedy

Wrinkles are fine lines seen across the face, as ageing proceeds. It also denotes unhealthy skin. Avoid applying pressure to the adjacent areas of the skin, while massaging. Wrinkles are decreased by repeated application of lime juice. Pinching the skin by placing it between the thumb and fingers is an effective technique. A cleanser is helpful in beginning or winding up with a make up. A regular massage of the face helps in keeping wrinkles at bay. Circulation is enhanced, thereby tightening the tissues and facial muscles. Tips of the fingers are used in a massage in a circular motion. The neck is the beginning point and the massage is concluded at the forehead. A paste of turmeric powder made with sugarcane juice proves beneficial in decreasing the ageing process. Seedless grapes are cut and applied over the lines. It is left to dry and washed after 20 minutes. Cream is a good lubricant and rejuvenator. Apply gently for 20 minutes. Topical application of castor oil is an equally useful remedy. Oily face is brightened by applying lime juice. Remove make up before retiring to bed. Juices of green apples and pineapples are left for 15 minutes. It helps in providing relief for wrinkles and cracked skin.

answered by Dr C

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