Face redness remedy

Face redness occur due to a chronic and hereditary condition called Rosacea. This condition starts with slight red color on the center of the face which can come and go. However under severe condition, it can lead to inflammation and skin eruptions. The face of such person may look like blushed of sun burnt with reddish bumps or pimples. The face may be dry and suffer from itching and burning sensation.Rosacea generally occurs on cheeks, chin, nose and forehead and in certain case it can also occur on the neck, ears, chest and scalp.

Remedies that can be used to cure face redness are:-

  • Green tea, chamomile and oatmeal are effective against inflammation associated with face redness as it can soothe the skin.
  • Avoid using cold water for washing your face, instead use lukewarm water.
  • Do not rub your face dry after washing; instead blot your dry using a soft towel.
  • Licorice can be useful in treating Rosacea as it can reduce inflammation and dryness as well kill the germs present in the face that can stimulate the formation of Rosacea.
  • Oatmeal is helpful against itching and ginger contains certain antibiotics that can reduce inflammation and dryness.

A regular consultation with dermatologists is essential to treat against this skin disorder.

answered by J M

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