what you use after a boil breaks so infection doesnt spread

Boil Treatment

As with any infection , preventing the infection that can be spread from a boil, is a simple means of keeping the area disinfected and clean. You can disinfect the boil with anything that has disinfecting properties. The most, are rubbing alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, tea tree oil, and Witch hazel. After you have thoroughly cleaned the boil, it is important to keep it covered up if it is in a place that comes in contact with other skin frequently. You can do this with a band aid or any other bandage that can stick to the skin. One of the best things you can do as your boil drains, is to take a shower several times a day and avoid taking baths and going swimming. It is obviously very important to keep this area clean . If you do think that your boil is infected and that the infection is not responding to treatment, it is important that you seek the help of the natural health specialist. Fortunately, while boils are painful, they're really dangerous. If your boil is very painful, you can try making a warm compress out of a boiled black tea bag. This bag can be applied for fifteen minutes directly to the boil several times each day.

answered by R P

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