what to do at home for pink eye

Natural Treatment for Pink Eye

Pink eye has to be one of the most unpleasant memories from my childhood! Fortunately, the treatment is very fast acting and easy. And, you probably having it laying around your house! The best treatment for pink eye is simply tea. Black or green tea is best. In addition to the tea bags, you will need a sterile eye dropper. Take 2 tea bags and boil them in about 2 cups of water. Once you have made the tea, let it cool until it is slightly warmer than room temperature and NO WARMER! Take the eye dropper and put three drops of tea in each eye. This will sting, but you should see major improvement within 30 minutes. Continue to do this every 2 hours during the day. At night, place warm tea bags on your closed eyes for 30 minutes before you go to sleep. The pink eye should be gone the next morning. If not, continue the treatment for another day. Taking some White Willow bark will help ease some of the inflammation and pain as well while you are waiting for the tea to work. One of the most important things is to not rub your eyes. As hard as this is, rubbing your eyes will only make the infection and irritation worse.

answered by R P

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