Fair skin complexion remedy

home remedies for whitening the skin

A fair complexion is one of the most sought after feature by both men and women on account of the pressure put by society and even fashion trends. Most of the homemade beauty treatments will include ingredients such as honey, lemon juice and turmeric as these products are known to have natural bleaching properties that help in lightening ones complexion. Similarly one of the best home remedies for fair complexion is to drink plenty of water and to also include fresh vegetables and fruits in one’s daily diet. This will help to improve one’s complexion and also help to get rid of dark circles.

Another one of the home remedies for fair complexion is to prepare a mixture using equal quantities of honey and lemon and leave this mixture on the face for at least 15 minutes before washing it off with some cool water. Similarly one of the homemade beauty treatments is also to apply a mixture of yogurt, tomato juice and oatmeal on the face. This mixture should then be washed after 15 minutes with some cold water. An effective home remedy for whitening the skin is to prepare a paste of mint leaves and then apply this paste generously on ones neck and face for at least 15 minutes.

answered by S S

How to get fair skin the natural way?

For those who are keen on having beautiful and glowing fair skin there are many natural ways to get fair skin. One of the home remedies for beautiful skin is to dip a ball of cotton in some raw milk or even some sour yogurt and apply this to the face. This could then be washed after sometime. This home remedy is known to be highly effective in removing one’s tan. Another one of the home remedies for beautiful and fair skin is to generously apply some mashed ripe papaya on one's face which is effective in getting rid of any blemishes and thereby give the skin an even tone. Another one of the ways to get fair skin is to prepare a paste of freshly powdered turmeric with some lemon juice as they are known to act as bleaching agents thereby resulting in fair skin the natural way.

Another one of the home remedies for beautiful skin is to grate and mix together some cucumbers and tomato. The juice of this mixture should be extracted and mixed with some fullers earth and thereafter applied on ones face. This mixture should then be washed with some cool water and should be applied at least thrice a week to get fair skin naturally. Remember that the results would take some time to show and therefore one needs some patience to see the results.

answered by G R

Can you suggest some beauty tips to get fair complexion?

There are many natural beauty remedies that one may use to get a fair complexion and to get rid of a tan as well. One of the beauty tips for fair complexion is to mix together equal amounts of sugar granules and lemon juice and then use some lemon peels to apply this mixture all over the tanned areas of the body. This mixture should be allowed to remain for 20 minutes as it will act as a natural bleach thereby resulting in a fair complexion.

Another one of the natural beauty remedies for a fair complexion is to mix together some lemon juice and the juice of a grated cucumber and then apply this mixture on one's face. One may alternatively also mix some tomato juice and cucumber juice as they are both known to be one of the simple beauty tips for a fair complexion. Most natural beauty remedies will recommend the use of such natural ingredients for a fair complexion as compared to the chemical bleaching agents that are available in the market. Chemical bleaches are known to be very harsh and tend to harm the skin at times too. One of the simplest beauty tips for fair complexion is to drink plenty of water to keep the skin hydrated and glowing.

answered by a

Are there any diet for glowing skin complexion?

There are certain foods that could be included in one's daily diet and are known to be excellent in achieving glowing skin. A healthy diet for glowing skin should include avocadoes as they are known to be rich in monounsaturated fats and when combined with vitamin E, avocadoes are known to be excellent for hair as well as skin. Another one of the glowing skin foods are berries such as blueberries, strawberries, blackberries and so on as these foods are known to produce collagen which is required to keep the skin supple, plump and smooth. A healthy diet for glowing skin should also include sufficient amount of fresh fruits and vegetables and plenty of water as this will give the skin a healthy glow and keep it hydrated as well. Green tea is also considered to be one of the glowing skin foods as it is rich in catechins which are an antioxidant that slow down the ageing process and also fights viruses. Similarly one may also incorporate nuts such as brazil nuts as they are rich in vitamin E and A and they also protect the skin against sun damage and pollutants besides boosting the elasticity and overall quality of one's skin, nails and hair.

answered by A S

Tips for fair skin complexion:

  • Do anulom vilom and kapalbhati in yoga pranayam for 20 minutes everyday on an empty stomach early in the morning.
  • Always bathe in tap water daily in any weather.
  • Apply clarified butter of cow's milk on the face and the hands. Keep it for 6-8 hours before washing with glycerin soap.
  • Take a homeopathic mother tincture called Berberis aquifolium. Take 10 drops in 1/2 cup of water morning and night daily for 2 months.
  • Take a homeopathic remedy called Hemamilis 30, 5 pills daily once at bedtime for 1 month.

answered by D M K

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