I have got a dark black patch on waist side(both sides),its dry.i think its has caused due to jeans or tight waist bands .doesnot itch often but due to winter these days.pls suggest some home remedy to get rid of it.

The first most natural suggestion to this problem is to get rid of all kinds of tight clothing, especially fabric that is not conducive to your skin. Tights and types of elastic or rubber garments that come in primary contact with your kin must be kept away at all times. This will ensure that your skin starts to breathe again and will get back to its original supple state.

For relieving dry itchy skin, try baking soda. Take a sponge bath by adding five tablespoons of baking soda to one and half quarts of water. A baking soda soak is a time tested curative to ease itching. Alternately use one cup of baking soda and dissolve it in a tub of water, hot enough for a soothing bath. Soak in this tub containing for 45 minutes and dry without rubbing your body, with a soft gentle cloth.

If baking soda is out of hand try cornstarch. It has similar properties to that of baking soda. If you are using cornstarch, dissolve half a cup in a hot water tub, instead of an entire cup. This does for a good soak. Also try rubbing a handful of salt to your affected skin after the shower or bath. The salt helps to get rid of the dry itchy scales and will make your skin smooth. Do not take steams during the time the skin is still dry and itchy. Although steams sound relieving and soothing, it actually draws out the skin's valuable oils and will dry your skin even further.

answered by C B

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