Is there anything I can do to get rid of congestion and a stuffy head?

As unpleasant as it may sound, an onion works best or even better than most decongestants. Take a raw onion peel it and keep sniffing it till you feel your eyes begin to water. Fortunately with your stuffy nose and congested feeling, you are not likely to get the smell initially, but the idea is to get you to get your nasal passages to clear up and the pungent juices in the onion do just the trick. It is as effective as using menthol or OTC decongestants that cause the nose to start running and unblock stuffiness. During the times you begin to get uneasy use the onion method and you will be amazed to notice the results, that too without having to pour down bitter medicines or drugs down your throat.

Make yourself a nice hot soup of chicken. Either chicken broth or cream of chicken is ideal during colds. In most cases the very vapor that emanates from a hot liquid such as tea or soup helps to dilute the mucous that is in the nose and thus relieve the cold. Apart from soup you can also try having hot tea with fresh lemon juice squeezed or just plain hot water sipped throughout the day.

answered by K C

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