Home Remedy for Oil Burn

Burns are severely painful and distorting. The primary advice is to be careful the next time in the kitchen. These remedies are kept handy, as oil burns are the most common form of injury met with in the kitchen. Lavender oil is helpful, though certain studies show the occurrence of scars.

Aloe vera gel is an effective remedy, as it retains the moisture and prevents entry for germs. Smearing of vitamin E oil or components of a vitamin E capsule is also helpful. Folic acid and ascorbic acid supplements are recommended, as the help in healing of wounds. The pulp of a freshly cut aloe vera leaf is applied to reduce scars, inflammation and burns. Itching and scarring of burns are reduced by topical application of grape seed oil.

Washing the oil burn with soap and water is the most handy and easy way of cleaning them. A paste of baking soda and water or milk of magnesia is helpful against any kind of burns. Topical application of ice cold vinegar is equally effective. Putting the burnt spot on an ice cube of around ten minutes provides immediate relief. Grated potato is also a helpful remedy. For deeper burns, visit your physician.

answered by Dr C

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