I am a light skinned person but I am yellow around my mouth, can you give me some home remedies that will help me get rid of it. I am a 17 year old female. PLEASE CAN SOME one HELP ME. THANK YOU

Skin problems advice

I am afraid you have given me only part of your symptoms. Although you have mentioned that you have yellow skin around your mouth, you have neglected to mention how long you have suffered from this condition. Also you have not said anything about any other symptoms you may have noticed.

Yellow skin is often an indication of Jaundice. If you have noticed any yellowish discoloration of the whites of your eyes, accompanied by extreme fatigue, then it is possible that you are suffering from Jaundice. People suffering from jaundice also notice that their urine is dark colored and that their feces smell. A loss of appetite is one of the key symptoms for Jaundice. However, you will need to consult your doctor and get a few tests done before you can be sure that you are indeed, suffering from Jaundice. In the meanwhile, you should stop eating oily, fried food. Your diet should consist basically of food that is easy to digest since your liver requires a little rest during this period. You can also try drinking lemon juice during the day and eat plenty of tomatoes. Mix a pinch of turmeric in a glass of warm water and drink this at least twice a day.

answered by M W

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