Articles :: Health advice

As we begin to age, our joints become stiffer and joint pain becomes almost inevitable. The joints begin to slowly lose their integrity and begin to throb and hurt. In fact, joint pain can be quite debilitating with the advancement of age. Some...
Coughing occurs when irritants enter the respiratory system . It is a reflex action of the body wherein an attempt is made to expel the irritant from the body. A cough can be either wet or dry. It is dry cough that causes irritation and...
Most people will agree with the fact that living in today’s world is very hectic, for people of all ages. It is therefore very natural for most of us to get caught up in a fast-paced routine, which is very difficult to alter. Right from the...
Honey and cinnamon are naturally occurring substances that can be consumed by humans. Honey is usually harvested from bee nests. Bees collect honey from flowers and this collected honey is stored in the bee hive. Humans breed bees in order to...
Caffeine is believed to be one of the most widely consumed substances across the world, often unwittingly because it happens to be an ingredient in many popular drinks and medications. Caffeine is not just present in coffee and tea but also is...
Honey is a popular traditional home remedy for a lot of ailments, the most popular one being for those annoyingly common cold infections! Honey has proved to be one of the best natural ingredients to ease the discomfort of a sore throat. This...
Do you sometimes feel your feet have gotten painfully hot with tingling sensations? If yes, then you have burning feet condition, also known as paresthesia or neuropathy. Burning feet can happen due to a number of reasons. It could be that your...
Holidays are a time to celebrate, a time to enjoy leisure, and a time for family to get together. But sometimes the holidays become a cause of stress for family and friends. Anxiety about presents to buy, stress about the food to serve, stress...
A runny nose or blockage in the nasal passages, sneezing, phlegm and soreness in the throat, coughs and headaches are signs of a common cold. All too often these symptoms may be accompanied by a mild fever and malaise, symptoms that may be...
Vertigo refers to a sensation of movement even when one is stationary. It differs from dizziness as it is characterized by an illusion of movement. When an individual feels himself moving, it is known as subjective vertigo. When an individual...
There are 223 articles listed in Health advice