Menstrual Migraine Treatment

by Sharon Hopkins

Menstruation is a part of an adult woman's lifecycle. It is a function of the reproductive system during which an egg is released into the fallopian tubes. This egg passes through to the uterus, and if not fertilized, passes out along with the lining of the uterus that has become thick in order to accommodate a fertilized egg. Menstruation is physically draining on a woman as blood is passed out during the menstruation period. During menstruation, a woman's hormone balance tends to change and this can cause mood swings and physical feelings of discomfort. Cramps are also not uncommon among women who are just at the beginning of their monthly period. It is possible that a woman might suffer from migraines, often accompanied by excruciating headaches. The synchronization between the migraines and the menstrual cycle has led doctors to establish a connection between the two. It is sometimes necessary for cases of headaches during menstruation to be reported to a doctor more than headaches that occur when the period is not taking place. This is probably because the period itself is physically draining on a woman and when she suffers from headaches during that time, she is likely to be more severely affected. Thus a menstrual migraine may be nothing to worry about. It may also be caused by some factors related to hormone levels.

Research suggests that a woman's estrogen levels drop sharply as her period is approaching. For some women, estrogen tends to have a mildly addictive effect on the body. This can cause the body to suffer from symptoms associated with the withdrawal of estrogen from the blood stream. Some doctors therefore prescribe a reducing amount of estrogen to be consumed at the end of every cycle so that the body can be weaned off the hormone every month. This can be counterproductive as it can delay menses as well as increase the body's dependency on the hormone. Someone suffering from regular menstrual migraines should consult a doctor for a diagnosis of the cause to rule out any issue with blood circulation which may be accentuated at the time of menstruation.

Once other problems are ruled out, a woman suffering from regular menstrual migraines can focus on factors around her which might cause the migraines or make them worse. These include stress, diet, caffeine intake and so on. Normal de-stressing techniques should reduce the severity of migraines and can eliminate them completely.

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.
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