It's All in Your Mind

by Garreth Myers

"Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind" - Ralph Waldo Emerson. Scientists have worked on unlocking the secrets of the human mind for decades and the only certainty is that we only understand a fraction of its functioning. Everything that we say or do originates in our mind and so your mind can build you up or tear you down. It all depends on what you train your mind to do!

So can we really train our minds? Admittedly, it does sound a little out there but when you think about it - that's what schooling is! There are different ways to train your mind to help you live a fuller and more successful life.

Be Positive Stay Happy:

Small everyday troubles can cause minor unhappiness but if you allow these feelings to accumulate, you will start to become an unhappy person. When you get home from work, sit in your favorite chair and recall recent happy memories with friends or family. Do not think about anything that is work related as this is an exercise to help you separate your work life from your personal life. No matter how awful your voice is, sing in the shower - this is a simple but invigorating exercise that will help you to focus on your positive experiences.

Avoid Stress and Fear - Stay Focused:

Always stay focused on your goal, but do not get so obsessed with it that you cannot enjoy the journey there. Stress and anxiety will ruin your health and make you age faster. When you are in a stressful situation breathe deeply a few times, as this will help to relieve your anxiety. Spend at least 20 minutes in meditation on a daily basis. Do this on a regular basis and you will notice that your view of life will become clearer and brighter!

Shake up your routine

A good sleep, a little recreation, an evening with family and friends are all ways to relax the mind and keep you fresh. It is necessary that you take a break from your regular routine and give the mind something new to do once in a while. Picnics, a sing-along, and games are all healthy for the mind and help increase your mental strength and ability.

Put on Your Thinking Cap

Stay updated and have your own opinions. Have new thoughts and new ideas constantly. Keep your mind sharp by solving crosswords, riddles, mind games, and so on. A rolling stone gathers no moss and so it is with the mind - do not let it stagnate and keep your thoughts flowing.

Eat Well Exercise More

A balance of healthy food and exercise is the key to stay healthy. Healthy foods like sprouts, lean meats, fish and eggs should be part of your daily diet. Keep in mind though that overeating will not only affect the stomach but also the mind making you feel lazy and heavy throughout the day.

Healthy Mind -Advantages:

Improves Health:

One of the major advantages of a healthy mind is that it will help you to ward off a number of ailments and diseases. Anxiety attacks, nervous breakdowns, personality disorders, premature ejaculation, heart disease and several other conditions can be prevented (and even cured) if you have a positive and stress free mind!

Improves Your Thinking Ability:

Your ability to think and come up with logical solutions to problems is greatly enhanced when your mind is at peace. A peaceful mind will also boost innovative ideas and plans that will help you in your daily activities.

Increases Your Friend Circle:

A happy person will always be surrounded with friends. No one would want to be with someone who is always disgruntled with life. When relaxed and peaceful, you will involuntarily be blessed with enough self confidence to go out make new friends and become more social.

Gives You Focus In Life

When the mind is happy you can be more focused and oriented in working towards your future plans. When the mind begins to see things clearly the body begins to work accordingly. Remember that the worries of life will always stress you out and put you down but a winner will always rise up from the situation.

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.
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