Articles :: Wellness :: General Wellness

Tooth enamel is the hard, semi-translucent outer layer of the teeth. It protects teeth from the daily wear and tear of biting and chewing. The main function of tooth enamel is to guard against the erosive effects of acids and chemicals. When the...
As more and more countries become industrialized, their consumption of sugars is increasing rapidly. Over the past few decades, with the increase of sugar consumption, there has been an increase in various chronic diseases such as Diabetes, Heart...
Artificial sweeteners, from being a fad a couple of decades back have become a part and parcel of our lives now. In fact, many products use artificial sweeteners in combination with natural sweeteners simply because they are much sweeter, even if...
Monosodium glutamate or MSG is a food additive and flavor enhancer that is used in a variety of different cuisines and food products. Commonly added to Chinese food and canned foods and meats, MSG is believed to cause several unpleasant reactions...
Wilson’s Thyroid Syndrome (WTS) is a group of reversible symptoms caused by the dysfunction of the thyroid system. It is not easy to detect because people with WTS often have normal blood test reading for thyroid gland (T3 and T4)....
There are 71 articles listed in General Wellness