
What is Impetigo?
Impetigo is an infection of the skin that is generally caused by staphylococcus and streptococcus bacteria. This disease is contagious and is spread by close contact and affects more children than adults.

Impetigo can be categorized into two kinds with different symptoms respectively:

  • Non-bullous Impetigo: This is the more common kind of impetigo that is caused by Strep and Staph bacteria. Non-bullous impetigo results in sores with a yellowish-brown crust which are highly contagious.
  • Bullous Impetigo: Only Staph bacteria cause this type of impetigo. Large blisters that are filled with fluid but painless characterize bullous impetigo.
Impetigo can also be classified as primary and secondary impetigo. In primary impetigo, the bacteria enter the skin through a cut but the rest of the skin is otherwise healthy. With secondary impetigo, the infection is caused by another underlying condition such as atopic eczema that affects large areas of the skin.