Remedies for Fractures

Fractures in any part of the body need immediate medical attention as the broken or cracked bone needs to be set in its right position before it starts healing naturally. Ice packs and cold compresses are used to give pain relief for fractures. Resting the limb at an elevation or using a sling to support a fractured arm can help reduce the strain and the inflammation. Since the process of healing can take several weeks, doctors use a plaster cast to immobilize the site of the fracture, to allow the bone to grow. In the meanwhile, there are certain home remedies for fractures recommended to facilitate the process.

Here are some popular recommendations:

  • Eat fresh pineapple as it contains Bromelain, a compound that reduces inflammation and the resultant pain
  • Avoid fizzy drinks and caffeinated drinks which contain phosphorous as they leach out calcium from the bones
  • Supplements with calcium, magnesium and potassium help to grow stronger bones
  • Zinc supplements help in repairing damaged tissues.
  • Including low fat soy flour and sesame seeds regularly in the diet helps provide the body with the necessary nutrients for healthy bone growth.