February 29, 2008

Foul Smelling & Abnormal Vaginal Discharge

Posted in Category : Women's Health

Every woman experiences few traces of vaginal discharge produced by the glands in cervix and vagina. This discharge keeps the vaginal area lubricated, clean and infection free. The amount and consistency of the discharge differs according the stages of menstrual cycle. If the vaginal fluid appears clear or milky, if it is thin and stringy and without any foul odor, then it can be considered as a normal discharge. If the vaginal discharge suddenly varies in odor, quantity, color or consistency, it is supposed to be an abnormal discharge and it is time for you to visit the doctor.

Here are some signs which indicate the abnormal vaginal discharge:

  1. Constant or increased amount of the discharge, especially in clots
  2. Itching or rash in and around the vagina
  3. Blood discharged any time except menstruation period.
  4. Inflammation in vagina during urination
  5. Change in the consistency of vaginal discharge such as cottage cheese like consistency
  6. Bad odor along with yellow, grey or green discharge

There are many things that may lead to disturb the balance of healthy vagina. Some of the common causes for abnormal vaginal discharge are douching, certain soaps or bubble baths, feminine hygiene sprays, antibiotics, pregnancy, diabetes and some infections like yeast and bacterial infection and Trichomoniasis. The sexually transmitted infections like gonorrhea and Chlamydia can also cause the vaginal discharge. The conditions like emotional stress, sexual excitement and ovulation can lead to increase in the amount of discharge.

An alteration in the color, odor and consistency of the vaginal discharge is referred as vaginitis. It should be treated as early as possible to avoid further complications. There are some treatment measures to cure the vaginal discharge. Always keep your genital area dry and clean. Avoid douching, use of tight pants, swimming suites and use of deodorant tampons or pads, perfumed toilet paper, feminine hygiene spray and avoid the bubble bath. After using the toilet, wipe from front to back to avoid the bacterial infection from the rectal area. The yeast or bacterial infections and Trichomoniasis can be treated by antibiotics and oral medicines.