June 17, 2009

Signs and Symptoms of Deep Vein Thrombosis

Posted in Category : Common Ailments

To have a moderate understanding of what deep vein thrombosis is, we need to look not only at what signs and symptoms to look out for, but also what it is and what it can do. The primary reason for this is because nearly half the overall population that suffers from deep vein thrombosis does not show any signs or symptoms of the condition.

Blood clots are formed whenever the blood coagulates in the blood vessels. When this happens in a deep lying blood vessel, such as those located in the calf or thighs, they cause a blockage in the vein which will either partly or completely prevent blood flow. This can lead to the sufferer feeling a bit of pain as well as swelling in the affected region. It is also likely that this blood clot could break free and travel through the blood stream and into major organs like the heart and lungs. This independent blood clot is known as an embolus. If this embolus were able to make its way to the lungs, it could prove to b a major risk factor even ending in death of the patient. The blood vessels in the lungs are known as Pulmonary arteries and if this embolus were able to enter any of the pulmonary arteries, it would result in Pulmonary Embolism, where the blockage prevents blood to flow into the blocked off part of the lungs. Due to the lack of blood flow, this part of the lung will eventually die out. Pulmonary embolism is currently the third highest cause of death in the United States and is to be taken extremely seriously.

However, if the blood clot starts to travel downstream and coagulate toward the bottom of the foot instead of flowing towards the heart, it could lead to pain, swelling and at times even ulcers forming on the foot. This is known as post-thrombotic syndrome.

Most individuals that get deep vein thrombosis are likely to be over 40 years of age. Obesity is also a known condition that could lead to deep vein thrombosis. If a patient is suffering from deep vein thrombosis, they will show signs such as swelling in the affected leg, a pain exuded from the affected area and a reddish coloration in the same region. However, showing these symptoms is not necessarily a confirmation that a person suffers from Deep Vein Thrombosis. For confirmation, one should approach a licensed doctor.