September 20, 2011

Symptoms & Treatments for Turner Syndrome

Posted in Category : Women's Health

The genetic makeup of the human body determines many factors associated with the future growth and development of an individual. There is a condition that affects females which is known as turner syndrome. Turner syndrome is a condition where the makeup of the sex chromosomes is abnormal in the female’s body. These abnormal chromosomes tend to affect the growth and development of the female’s body. Normally, females have two ‘X’ chromosomes. However, females with turner syndrome tend to have one missing or one abnormal ‘X’ chromosome.  This abnormal makeup of genes can cause a wide variety of problems for the girl as she grows up. While it is as yet not possible to correct such genetic abnormalities, it is definitely possible for the treatment of the condition to reduce the scope of the symptoms, thus normalizing the life of the patient as best possible.

The symptoms of turner syndrome are associated with a wide variety of problems that would affect the girl as she grows through to adulthood. The most common symptoms of turner syndrome include lack of height, improper development through puberty, lack of menstruation and infertility. Unlike other forms of infertility, the condition caused by turner syndrome will occur as a result of the fact that the girl’s body has not developed properly. Other symptoms of turner syndrome include edema in the hands and feet, webbing around the neck, shield shaped chest, dry eyes and vaginal dryness. Apart from the genetic abnormality, there are no causes of turner syndrome. This condition is entirely triggered off by a genetic abnormality that occurs when the chromosomes from the father and the mother interact improperly during fertilization and during the subsequent development of the fetus. Based on the symptoms of turner syndrome and on a study of the genetic makeup of the child, a turner syndrome diagnosis can be made. Once this turner syndrome diagnosis is made, the girl can be given hormone therapy to help normalize her growth and bodily functions as best possible.

The treatments for turner syndrome involve various different procedures used to try and normalize the growth of the girl as she grows into womanhood. This will help to reduce the intensity of any symptoms that she might suffer from. Treatments for turner syndrome range from growth hormones to estrogen replacement therapy. Estrogen therapy usually occurs around the time that puberty would begin in a normally healthy girl. This is done to ensure that sexual characteristics develop normally. Girls who have turner syndrome will not be able to reproduce as their ovaries will not develop normally. However, there may be the possibility that a donor egg can be used to impregnate the woman when she is ready to reproduce.

One of the facts about turner syndrome is that there are no cures for turner syndrome. The condition can be managed through the life of the woman. However, there is nothing that can be classified under cures for turner syndrome as the genetic abnormality will remain intact through the life of the woman. Symptoms management will help to reduce any visibly abnormal effects that this condition has on the woman. This will also help her live a normal and healthy life without the effects of an underlying medical condition. Turner syndrome patients will need to undergo regular checkups to ensure that they are healthy and unaffected by any hormonal imbalances in their bodies. Over the course of the woman’s life, her hormone therapy may be changed from time to time to suit the requirements of the body. Turner syndrome tends to affect up to 1 in every 2,500 girls across the world, with the prevalence being higher amongst Caucasians.