August 18, 2009

Facts And Symptoms Of Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Posted in Category : Sexual Health

STD is the abbreviation for Sexually Transmitted Disease. STD may also be referred to as STI’s or sexually transmitted infections. As such STD is a very broad term, as it includes various sexually transferable diseases. Therefore, in order to analyze its symptoms, it is very important to understand the various diseases that classify as STD’s.

STD can be transferred through either one of the following mediums: oral sex, vaginal sex, anal sex and through the use of intravenous drug needles that have been used by an infected person. The following are the most commonly occurring STD’s along with their symptoms.

Chlamydia: is characterized by a bacterial infection in the infected person’s genital tract. It is very difficult to detect this condition during its early stages, as it does not display any visible signs or symptoms of infection. The symptoms of this disease in the initial stages are easily overlooked as they are mild. This disease often displays the following symptoms: pain while urinating, pain in the lower abdominal region, abnormal discharge from the penis of men and vaginal discharge in case of women. Unbearable pain during intercourse for females and testicular pain in men are also common symptoms of this disease.

Gonorrhea: is another STD that affects the genital tract in both women and men alike. It does not show any signs or symptoms until after a week from being infected. Some people may show signs of gonorrhea only after a month or so. Gonorrhea displays a cloudy or thick bloody discharge from the penis or vagina, of men and women respectively. It could also be detected by symptoms that range from severe pain while urinating to pain during sexual intercourse.

HIV or Human Immunodeficiency Virus: This is by far the most dangerous STD, as it most often leads to AIDS. HIV affects your body’s immune system and makes it incapable of fighting off other sickness and diseases. The symptoms of this disease in the initial stages are fever, fatigue, swollen lymph glands, rash and headaches, all of which are generally discarded as common viral infections. In the later stages that usually occur over a period of ten years, an infected person will experience the following symptoms: chronic diarrhea, weight loss, constant fevers and headaches, and constant feeling of tiredness.

Genital Herpes: is a very contagious STD and can spread through small cracks in your skin or mucous membrane. It is caused by the herpes simplex virus. This disease often goes unnoticed, as it does not display and sign or symptoms. It comes in the form of rash like pustules that break and bleed. It later forms scabs that heal and fall off. These scabs are quite painful and itchy.

Symptoms of STD Infection

These are some of the most common STD’s that affect many people the world over. Generally STD’s most commonly show signs and symptoms in and around the sexual organs of the body. Therefore, if you notice any unnatural signs in and around your sexual organs like a swelling or rash, please visit your doctor immediately, as sexually transmitted diseases cannot be treated with the help of home remedies. STD’s often lead to life threatening diseases, therefore timely medical treatment is imperative.