February 24, 2010

Symptoms Of Achalasia Esophageal Or Cardiospas

Posted in Category : Common Ailments

Achalasia disorder is an esophageal disorder that is rare in its incidence. Due to its rare incidence, this disorder is often misdiagnosed.

Achalasia is known by many names, some of which are esophageal achalasia, cardiospasm, achalasia cardiae and esophageal aperistalsis. In this disorder the motility of the esophagus is affected. The esophagus, which is covered in smooth muscles, is responsible for the movement of the food from the mouth through the alimentary canal. It is the muscles of the esophagus that contract and expand, allowing the food to slide down. However, in this condition, the normal peristalsis of this muscle is lost and the swallowing of food becomes very difficult.

Due to this difficulty in swallowing the food, there is possibly, regurgitation which can be accompanied by a pain in the chest. An x-ray of the esophagus is taken to determine the severity of the condition. Though this condition cannot be cured completely, there are various treatments that allow the patient intermittent relief. However, for inducing relief for a longer period of time, esophageal dilatation is required. This is done through the surgical cleaving of the esophageal muscle.


Difficulty in swallowing food is the main symptom of this condition. This can often be accompanied by regurgitation of food that has been left undigested. Initially, the problem is only with swallowing solid foods. However, with time, as the disease progresses, it becomes difficult to even swallow liquids.

Due to the inability of swallowing and ingesting food, some patients experience huge weight loss. Some may experience violent fits of coughing whenever lying in a straight position. There are others who complain of chest pains and heartburns. In more severe cases, the esophagus begins to retain food and saliva, some of which may enter the lungs. This complication could cause aspiration pneumonia.

Drugs that reduce pressure on the lower esophagus are mainly used. However, these do not give any permanent relief. These can only attempt to buy time while the patient is readied for surgery. The side effects of these drugs have been considerable and therefore, most doctors try to avoid these drugs. Many patients have experienced swelling in various parts of the body, headaches and migraines. For a lot of people, these drugs do not present even an intermittent solution as they stop reacting to the drugs over a period of time. Surgery is considered the only permanent treatment for this malady.