If my hair gets wet in rain, or is wet due to sweating, I get lice? Please help

Head lice have been a source of irritation for thousands of years. Many of us have suffered through at least one infestation in our lifetime, typically during our schooling years. This is because head lice can only be transferred by close social interaction and direct head-to-head contact or shared objects such as brushes, hats, and towels. These tiny, wingless insects (less than 4mm in size) spend their entire lives on the host's scalp, since they are totally dependent on your blood for feeding. Head lice also need the scalp's moisture for survival, though there is no evidence that wet or sweaty hair attracts them more than regular hair. In fact, head lice cannot survive for more than 2 days if they are removed from your head. If you have head lice, the first indications will be constant itchiness and scalp inflammation. You may even notice tiny reddish black specks on your pillow; these are the fecal matter expelled by the lice. The infestation is usually stronger at the back of the head and behind the ears, where the lice lay their eggs (called nits). A single female can lay up to 100 nits in her lifespan of around 20 days. These nits hatch in around two weeks, thus maintaining a constant presence on your head.

This continuous life cycle can make it difficult for you to get rid of lice. Typically, you can clear your scalp of adult lice, only to discover that the tougher nits have survived and hatched after a few days. Since the lice spread via close social contact you may even get a fresh batch from friends and family. It is recommended that all family members undergo treatment and clothes and bed sheets are cleansed as well. You will find several over-the-counter medications that can help you deal with head lice. The most popular ones are chemically-enhanced shampoos that can clear the infestation over time. However, some individuals may be allergic to the chemicals, which are also harmful if accidentally ingested.

You could try some remedies that use natural, non-toxic ingredients to provide relief. Perhaps the most effective natural substance is tea tree oil, whose active ingredient (terpinen-4-ol) has been shown to dislodge and kill head lice on application. Simply add a few drops of tea tree oil to a mild baby shampoo and use everyday until all the lice are destroyed. You should also sterilize your combs, towels, and bed clothes in a diluted solution of tea tree oil.

answered by M W

Home remedies for head lice -

  • There is no evidence to prove that lice can be caused due to the reasons you have mentioned. They are generally caused due to head to head contact, sharing infected combs or towel or sexual contact.
  • You can follow these natural remedies for curing head lice.
  • Add 2 or 3 drops of tea tree oil to your shampoo. This will prevent the formation of head lice.
  • Apply Listerine mouthwash all over your hair and then cover it up with a shower cap. After 2 or 3 hours wash it a shampoo and apply vinegar to your hair and roots. Comb your hair thoroughly with a fine teeth comb. Wash it off after a couple of hours.
  • When washing your hair with shampoo, after lathering your hair with it, leave it for 2 minutes and then wash it properly and condition it.
  • Massage your hair with olive oil and add some rubbing alcohol to it. Lave it for 4 to 5 hours and then shampoo it.
  • After the lice have been removed you can add some peppermint oil to your regular shampoo for prevention and cooling.
  • Add 3 tsp of lemon juice to 1 tbsp of butter and apply it to your hair. Rinse after 15 o 20 minutes and do not use comb for some time.

answered by D D

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