how can dates help to relieve constipation and intestinal disturbances?

Dates, prunes and figs are natural food sources which have a laxative effect. They are a rich source of dietary fiber and provide roughage to stimulate sluggish bowels. Hence they are highly beneficial to treat constipation. To relieve constipation, immerse a handful of dates (at least 5-6 dates) in water at night and make a fine syrup the next morning and drink it. Dates help the intestine to function effectively by keeping a check on the growth of pathological organisms. They enable the growth of friendly bacteria in the intestine. This is due to the nicotinic acid and high tannins present in dates.

answered by P P

Fruits generally help in relieving constipation. dates are very good fruit that helps in relieving constipation and also helps in increasing iron level in the body. the properties of dates helps in proper peristaltic movement of the particles in the intestine which helps in free bowel evacuation. People having constipation can take dates that is soaked in little quantity of water in the previous night and take in the next morning along with the water. this helps in good bowel evacuation.

answered by b

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