I have been getting chronic uti what do you recommend what natural herbs will help

Chronic UTI or urinary tract infection is a rather painful and embarrassing condition as it can lead to a lot of itching as well. A chronic urinary tract infection will require proper medical intervention and it would be best to consult your local health care provider at the earliest. The infection usually affects the urethra to begin with and then moves up the urinary tract. It is likely that you will have a burning sensation while urinating and there is probably an urge to visit the bathroom several times a day. And yet every visit will always result in very little urine being passed out of the body.

In order to help cure this condition, it is essential that you drink a minimum of 5-6 liters of water a day. This is because the water will flush out the toxins and infection from your body. Fruit juices are also highly beneficial and will provide the body with several nutrients required to keep it healthy. Cranberry juice in particular is known to help extensively, and a glass can be had once a day to keep the infection at bay. Mix half a tablespoon of baking soda in a glass of water and consume to increase the acidic balance in the urine. Drink a cup of yoghurt everyday as the probiotic bacteria or good bacteria present in it will help work against the infection. Dip a clean soft cloth in cold water and use it as a compress on your lower belly. Do this while lying down and place the cloth right above the pelvic region. Do not douche the area, and wear cotton underwear to avoid any irritation. Keep away from bubble baths, scented soaps, feminine sprays and the like as it can increase the irritation. Keep the vaginal area clean and dry and use panty liners in case there is excessive discharge. Use a mild soap and warm water to wash the area and always wipe from front to back. Keep the hair in the region neatly trimmed as well. Wash the area after defecation and then wipe to make sure that no stray bacteria from the feces enters the vulva. Make sure to urinate, every time after sexual intercourse and clean the area as well. Avoid smoking, alcohol, caffeinated and artificially flavored beverages. For chronic UTI it is best to first consult a physician before going on a course of natural herb remedies. If the infection is advanced, it can spread up the body and affect the reproductive system as well.

answered by G R

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