I recently had a health checkup done; my reports had a comment as Gall bladder collapsed. Can you please help me understand what does this mean?

The human gallbladder is a non-vital organ which means that it can be surgically removed if necessary. It is a very small organ that is largely responsible for storing and releasing a fluid known as bile. This bile is produced by your liver and is made up of bile acids, salts and glycine. In some cases, the salts from the bile start to form crystals and this leads to the formation of gallstones. In most cases, gall bladder collapse and gall stones are closely linked.

Gallbladder Symptoms

There are several options and you will have to discuss these in depth with your doctor. Your doctor may wish to operate and remove the gallbladder completely through laser laparoscopy. Although this may sound like a very serious operation, it is actually a short keyhole surgery and you will have to stay hospitalized for a day. If you have a history of gallbladder problems, especially gall stones, it is very likely that your doctor will recommend this surgery. This is because gallstones have a very high recurring rate which means that it is very likely that you will continue to suffer from gallbladder problems, even if you are treated temporarily.

One of the major problems with opting for gall bladder removal surgery is that the body now does not have a storage place for bile. This affects the body's ability to process and assimilate fats. This in turn affects digestion and your body's ability to remove fat from the food you ingest. This generally leads to elevated cholesterol levels. However, this should not prevent you from going in for the surgery. A healthy diet plan will help you to keep your cholesterol levels under check. Gall bladder collapse should not be ignored as it can have far more serious repercussions.

If your doctor determines that you are in no immediate danger, you may be put on a strict diet plan to try to help get rid of the problem at the source. This would mean that certain foods like eggs, pork, poultry, and milk would have to be eliminated from your diet. In addition to dietary changes, you can also include artichoke and dandelion in your daily meals. These herbs are known to stimulate the gallbladder and promote the draining of the bile duct. Make sure that you check with your doctor before you start any type of treatment, including natural remedies as it is possible that it may interfere with any other medications that you have been prescribed.

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