Home remedies for ingrown hair scarring

Ingrown hair is a very common problem that can cause pitting and discoloration if the inflamed area is scratched or agitated. It is important to prevent further outbreaks as well as treat your existing scars. There are several home remedies for ingrown hair treatment and prevention.

If you already have an ingrown hair, you will have to use gentle home remedies for ingrowths to get rid of it without leaving a scar. Soak the area in warm water for at least 20 minutes daily. If this is not possible, boil a potato along with its skin. While it is still quite hot, mash it along with a little of the water in which it was boiled. The mashed potato should resemble a thick poultice. Apply this poultice to the inflamed area. This heat treatment allows the pus within the inflamed pore to come to the surface. You will have to use this treatment for at least three consecutive days before you see any visible changes. Once the boil comes to a head and bursts, it will drain naturally. It is important to keep the area clean during this time to prevent further infection. Wash the area well with warm water and apply an anti microbial cream.

To get rid of the blemishes you can use various home remedies for scars on a regular basis. Lemon juice is a natural bleach so mix it with a pinch of sandalwood to form a thin paste. Add a teaspoon of rice flour to the mixture and massage the scarred area with this scrub. You can allow the scrub to remain on for a few minutes before you wash it off. This scrub will help to exfoliate your skin and get rid of the scars. You can also blend a raw potato and strain the juice. Apply this juice to the affected area as raw potatoes have bleaching compounds and will help to lighten the scars.

There are also several simple home remedies to prevent ingrowths. Lightly grind a handful of brown rice so that you have a sot of coarse flour. Add enough honey to make this into a paste and use it once a week as a nourishing body scrub. This homemade body scrub will keep your skin smooth and help to prevent ingrowths. Alternatively you can blend a banana and add a handful of sugar to it. Use this paste as your scrub. This scrub is especially effective for people with dull or dry skin as banana helps to moisturize and rejuvenate your skin. Make sure that you scrub your skin before and after you wax to ensure the removal of dead skin cells.

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