What are the Dietary Rules to Follow to Get Slimmer?

Losing unwanted weight is one of the highest ranked priorities of people in the world today. Excess weight can lead to a number of health complications and it is always advisable to stay trim and healthy. Fitness, health and the overall quality of life is improved when you lose unnecessary weight. It is important to keep in mind the fact that the average weight of an individual should be maintained, as being underweight has its own adverse effects.

In order to maintain good health, it is recommended that a healthy dietary plan be followed, inclusive of minerals, vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates and fiber. These nutrients are used by the body in the production of energy so that various functions are carried out with efficiency. Nutrients that remain unused are stored in the body in the form of fat cells, which result in weight gain. Through adequate exercise regimes, the body ensures that energy is produced by the burning of fat. These deposits are used and result in weight loss that is healthy. Other than this, exercise is known to improve circulation of blood, build lean muscle and enhance metabolism. The simplest form of exercise that does not put any form of strain on the body and helps in gradual weight loss is a brisk walk that extends for approximately thirty minutes. Other activities that are not strenuous, but are effective in weight loss are aerobics, swimming and jogging. Set exercise schedules, followed conscientiously, are proven to be more effective than erratic forms of exercise. Similarly, it is advised that a pattern of exercise be continued, because discontinuation leads to rapid weight gain. It is also necessary to get enough rest so that the body is able to repair worn out tissues and rejuvenate itself.

The use of honey as a natural sweetener has been recommended, as it does not allow the accumulation of fat in the body. Besides this, it also has a very low calorific value in comparison to sugar and other artificial sweeteners. An excellent remedy for effective weight loss is the consumption of a mixture of half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder and a teaspoon of honey in warm water, taken on an empty stomach. This mixture is known to prevent cardiovascular diseases and lower cholesterol. Rich, fatty, junk foods should be avoided because they tend to increase the amount of fats that are deposited in the body, leading to weight gain and obesity.

answered by M W

As it happens, there is probably no easy way out to become slimmer. You cannot expect to become slim overnight; there are no magic formulas for slimming. You have to either follow a proper eating habit or a proper exercise routine. In fact, it is best to follow both simultaneously to have maximum effect.

There are some dietary rules you will have to follow to get slimmer. Remember that skipping meals is not healthy and one should not skip meals just to shed some weight. Always eat your breakfast because it is the most important time to feed the body. Corn flakes, banana, egg are the foods that goes well for breakfast. After a proper breakfast, one can do without a heavy meal later in the day. However, it is better to have multiple small meals in place of one big meal. Eat healthy and nutritious foods and are rich in proteins, vitamins, and minerals. Include food items like eggs, dairy products, fish, lean portions of meat, poultry, cereals, nuts, whole grains, green vegetables and fresh fruits in your daily diet. While eating your food, ensure that you chew the food slowly and properly. Nutrients from properly chewed food are easily assimilated in the body. Eating in hurry or without properly chewing often causes indigestion and other disorders in the body. As a result, the body cannot derive the important nutrients from the consumed food. And finally, the most obvious and yet the most important part of the diet - drink plenty of water. Every day, keep drinking water at regular intervals. It not only keeps your body fresh and hydrated, but also makes the body's metabolic functions run efficiently.

It is not enough, however, to just follow these dietary rules and expect to get slimmer. Until you follow a regular exercise routine, or at least certain amount of physical activity, you cannot expect to get slimmer soon. You can pick up any kind of physical activity as long as you burn some calorie. You can run or jog in the morning, do a bit of swimming, walk or do some bicycling. Exercise can help tone the muscles, burn excess fat, keep the heart healthy, and regularize metabolic functions - all of which in turn makes you slimmer and healthier.

Finally, it should be remembered that there is a limit to how much slim one should be. Obsessive desire for slimming is not considered healthy. Instead, one should eat healthy, exercise regularly, and let the body take care of itself.

answered by M W

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