Can chronic hepatitis B be cured? If so how?

The liver is one of the most important parts of the body, since it produces bile needed for digestion, is responsible for excretion of toxic matter from the body and produces cholesterol as well as proteins required for repairing and building tissues. It is also the store-house of energy for the body. Cirrhosis of liver, a chronic hepatitis refers to a disorder of the liver in which the liver looses cells and thus undergoes a contraction in size. Hepatitis B, a viral condition affecting the liver is caused due to excessive consumption of alcohol, consumption on quinine for a prolonged period and other medical conditions.

Chronic hepatitis can be treated by using simple home remedies which start with improving one's dietary choices, consuming plenty of water to keep the system flushed clean and avoiding alcohol. You should increase your intake of carbohydrates to supplement the energy you have and strengthen your body and reduce the intake of fat since fat absorption is affected when the liver is damaged. Food products that are beneficial in treating hepatitis B naturally include papaya, tomatoes, carrots, radishes, beet, bitter gourd and eggplant. You should avoid all spicy, greasy, refined, fried and processed food, caffeine found in tea and coffee. In addition to this, you should also control your intake of salt and exercise regularly, starting with simple breathing exercises which help to strengthen the liver and prevent cirrhosis. You can consume the juice of the seeds of papaya mixed with approximately 10 drops of lemon juice, twice a day for a period of one month. This helps to treat hepatitis B. The juice of carrots and spinach mixed in the proportion of 3:2 should be consumed daily.

Alternately you can mix 300 ml of carrot juice with 100 ml cucumber juice and 100 ml beet juice and drink this daily for making your liver strong. Daily consumption of buttermilk with a pinch of salt and 1 tsp of powdered roasted cumin seeds is excellent for treating all liver problems. White radish is also beneficial in treating hepatitis B and you can thus consume 50 gm of white radish leaves and stem with some sugar candy to improve the taste. People who have developed the disease due to consumption of certain drugs or because of exposure to toxic substances in the environment can benefit from consuming milk thistle. The discomfort in the abdominal area caused due to liver damage after hepatitis B can be soothed by applying a hot compress, followed by a cold compress for two to three minutes each.

answered by G M

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