What is the best way to get rid of dark underarms using homemade remedies?

Dark underarms are usually because of wrong techniques of hair removal. People who shave their underarms usually have dark skin on their underarms. If you use blades to get rid of the hair in your underarms, then you should reconsider this. You can try using some creams to remove the hair. However, you need to take care to ensure that you only buy good quality hair removing creams since substandard creams can leave your skin looking dark and rough. Some beauty professionals recommend waxing as the most effective method, one that has the fewest side effects. If you are going to try waxing to remove the hair, you should take care to consult a professional who can help you do it properly.

If you wear sleeveless clothes then you should take care to ensure that they are not very tight. When you wear tight clothes the sleeves chafe against your skin. Prolonged chafing of the skin can cause it to become dark and this could be reason why you have dark underarms. You can stop wearing such tight clothes and you will find that the skin starts looking better.

You can try skin lightening creams on your underarms. But you may find eventually that home remedies are far more effective and cheaper than buying ready made creams. You can use lemon juice on the dark skin of your underarms. Regular and long term application of this will help lighten your skin. Similarly, regular application of Aloe Vera juice can be very effective on dark skin. Milk cream is also very effective in lightening the skin color. You will have to mix a small amount of turmeric powder with a tablespoon of milk cream. Mix it and then spread this over the skin of your underarms. You will have to let it dry and then wash it off.

You can also rub slices of lemon on your underarms since these will help lighten the skin there. Make a paste of a pinch of turmeric, some cucumber juice and some lemon juice. This can be applied on your skin for quick results. Cucumber juice is also very effective in lightening the skin and can be used regularly.

Apply some baking powder on your underarms. After your shower, ensure that you dry yourself well in the area of your underarms. You can also rub alum over your underarms. Using anti-fungal powder on the skin of your underarms is also effective in reducing the darkness there. You should always dress in clothes made of natural fibers.

answered by G M

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